visual identity
“π” Delphi Global Center logo
Logo and visual identity elements for the Global Center for Circular Economy and Culture “π (Pi)”, in Delphi, Greece. The historic “Pavilion” of Delphi designed by the famous architect Dimitris Pikionis and his son Petros, in 1959 on behalf of the Greek Tourism Organization, is a jewel in the center of the Delphic landscape. It once functioned as an entertainment center and a lounge bar and in its premises with the wonderful view to the plain of Itea and the gulf of Galaxidi, many 60’s celebrities had rested during their visit to the archeological site of Delphi. After years of devaluation and abandonment, the kiosk was renovated by the company Polygreen and the Global Center for Circular Economy and Culture was inaugurated in its place, and named “Π”. “Π” aims to be a place of activation for the environmental protection, of information on the circular economy and also an art space as it will often host exhibitions of Greek and foreign artists.
The name was inspired by the famous mathematical constant “π”, with its infinite decimal places which stands for sustainability and marks the transition from linear to circular economy. Also, “π” stands for “Πολιτισμός” (culture), “Περιβάλλον” (environment), Pikionis, Polygreen and the non-profit cultural organization PCAI (Polygreen Culture and Art Initiative).
After an extended research, for the design of the logo we decided to use references to geometry, to the history of Delphi, to nature and of course time, since we are talking about sustainability. We created a strong and recognizable symbol for “Π”, which resembles concentric circles, the navel / center of the Earth, the “π” with its decimals in spiral motion and also an organic form in motion. The internationally recognizable and classic Greek letter “π” was used and for the coloring we referred to the architecture and graphic design of 60’s Greece.
This project was commissioned to us by NEWTON on behalf of Polygreen.